jueves, 3 de julio de 2014

Aprender con ayuda de Big Data.

Learning With Big Data (Kindle Single): The Future of Education
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Kenneth Cukier

Honestamente después de haber leído "Big Data" esperaba un poco más de este libro.  El contenido es bueno, pero siguió la misma formula del libro anterior sin aportarle nada nuevo.

Si bien las historias que mencionan de Khan y Coursera son interesantes, no es nada que no se pueda conseguir en Internet.

Recomiendo leer con detenimiento los capítulos "Change" y "Platforms"

Si estás interesado en Big Data aplicado a educación es una lectura obligatoria, pero no esperes que te resuelva la vida.

Waiting for the final version of "Lean Enterprise"

Lean Enterprise

Adopting Continuous Delivery, DevOps, and Lean Startup at Scale

The book is interesting but I miss the pending parts.
The way they wrote about innovation and the software development process is very attractive. It has very interesting quotes like "...But the biggest inefficiency in software development is creating products and features that are not used, or do not deliver the expected business value".
It can open your eyes to see the importance of agile methodologies (if you don't do yet).
It is a material that you need to have on your desktop, but I recommend you to wait for the final version. It has a lot of "(to come)" notes that don't makes you enjoy entirely the book.
If you can't wait, you can read the chapters 1 How to make "Enterprise Scale" Work; 4 Growing An Innovation Culture; and 5 Governance, Risk and Compliance.

Wait for the final version or you read it now, I'm sure that is a book to have.